Several important items were discussed at last night's city council meeting (2007 budget, water-sewer rates, Ecola Creek Forest Reserve Plan and community grants among them) but today's blog is going to concentrate on the discussion regarding the downtown parking and pedestrian circulation study. Last night, the council discussed this issue publicly for the 5th time and approved proceeding to the next step in the process.
That next step will be another public meeting at the Surfsand on Tuesday evening, August 15th at which the council will be considering the following options:
1) Construction of a boardwalk sidewalk on the east side of Spruce between 1st and 2nd while maintaining the existing parking. This option would also include 3 wetland overlooks to the east.
2) Construction of a sidewalk on the west side of Spruce between 1st and 2nd while maintaining the existing parking.
3) Installation of a mid-block crosswalk across Spruce which, if extended all the way to the west, would line up to the post office.
4) Extension of the sidewalk on the north side of 2nd, east of Spruce.
5) Reconfigured parking on the east side of Spruce, north of 2nd from parallel to angled parking and extension of the bus pull-in area in front of the chamber.
6) Filling in of about 29% of the northwest lagoon to provide additional parking and space for the city's yard debris collection area. This option includes a landscaped buffer between 2nd Street and the parking and a new ADA accessible birdviewing platform.
7) Restoration of the remaining 70% of the northwest lagoon into functioning wetlands.
8) Construction of a boardwalk trail over the wetlands from the east side of Spruce at 1st Street to a new trail extension to the east following the lagoons.
The city's consultant, Urbsworks, did an excellent job putting together the various elements of the study which is available for viewing on the front page of the city's website. More specific information is available there including detailed parking numbers and cost estimates.
We hope to see you August 15th at the Surfsand.